Monday, February 22, 2016

My Entries to the 2016 Kahimunan Festival Butuan City

The results of the Kahimunan Festival Butuan Photo Contest are out and unfortunately for this year, my pictures were not as lucky as last years. The picture above is my highest ranked picture among the 6 entries that I submitted this year and to be candid about it, its the least that I expected to get a good ranking.  This picture placed 6th Place in the Grand Kahimunan Category. 

Well, its not really good for me this year. On the first day alone, I negligently erased my entire shots for the Festival Highlights category which already became a distraction for me for the rest of the competition. 

I also experimented in the Street Dancing category when I used a 35 mm lens all the way, thinking there are a lot of Street Dancing participants. By the time I let go of the contingent which I followed for most of the way, the succeeding contingents were not that spectacular as to get a good shot. 

The Grand Kahimunan category completed my forgettable competition this year. As last years, a throng of photographers already occupied the front row. Complicating things is that the performance venue is too close to our positions rendering my 135 mm Prime Lens utterly useless. By the time, I shifted to the 35mm lens it was already too little, too late. 

My consolation though is that I really enjoyed the camaraderie and rapport of Caraga photographers. Its a whiff of fresh air for the daily boring routine in my normal life and this breakaway is a welcome respite. 

Here are the rest of my entries that didn't make the cut. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kahimunan Tu Bayugan 2016

The second photo contest of the year is Kahimunan Tu Bayugan. 

Last January 31, 2016, I and my photographer best buddy drive from Surigao City to Bayugan City in Agusan del Sur to participate in the first ever Kahimunan Tu Bayugan Photo Contest. This Kahimunan Tu Bayugan is different from Kahimunan Festival in Butuan City which is celebrated every third Sunday of January. This Bayugan City version is celebrated every last Sunday of January. Bayugan City is a component city in Agusan del Sur. Its City Mayor is Kim Lope Asis. 

Like its Butuan City counterpart, the Kahimunan Tu Bayugan is another celebration paying homage and honor to the Holy Child Jesus or the Sto. Niño. The highlight of the activity is the Solemn Mass which is followed by a colorful and lively street dancing parade of the different contingents in Bayugan's wide avenue. 

The climax of the celebration is the ground presentation held at Bayugan City National Comprehensive High School grounds. 

The grand presentation lasted for hours that we took our lunch at past 3 in the afternoon at the Sacred Heart Parish convent. 

Many thanks to the organizers of this photo contest for a great hosting job.